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Färg tecknad bok magic Färg tecknad bok magic Färg tecknad bok magic Färg tecknad bok magic

Färg tecknad bok magic

Pris: $4.00
Sale: $1.92
Så lågt som: $1,12


Antal rabatter-priset
  • Model: G0097
  • Volumetric: 294 Grams
  • 5131 in Stock
  • Frakt: Beräknas i kassan

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The Blank Comic Book is a classic trick often used during close-up magic performances (it can be used for stage performances as well).

Effect:  Open a book, and show the audience that it is fully blank on its inside pages. Close the book again, gently blow on it, and suddenly every page of the book is filled with cartoons. Blow on it and work your magic again, this time, all the cartoons are now colourful and no longer in black and white. Magical!

This is a trick that the kids will love. And it is very easy to learn, very easy to perform as well! With its superb and surprising effect, it is always a popular trick!! 

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Contacts:Mrs Jin Tel:+86 579 85201234 Cell Phone: +86 13625799799 Address:KaiYuanBeiJie 105# YanZhuangHuaZhuangPin 5F Kingmagic
YiWu City Zhejiang Province China Copyright:Yiwu Huang Jia magic props Co., Ltd. 浙ICP备08007292号